Sunday, January 22, 2012

PODCAST: Kennedy Assassination - KLIF-AM Dallas - Parts 1 and 2 10/02 by Injustice System COM | Blog Talk Radio

Listen to the events on an actual radio broadcast on November 22, 1963 as they unfolded:

Kennedy Assassination - KLIF-AM Dallas - Parts 1 and 2 10/02 by Injustice System COM Blog Talk Radio

The reason why I picked this podcast is that this is the CLOSEST any of us will get to experiencing and imagining this as a live event like the people from that period would - short of getting a time machine! If you can imagine a world without the internet, youtube, google and cell phones, this broadcast via radio would have been a HUGE deal for the public, they would be crowded around the radio (or television) and hanging on every word! The lightning fast flow of information that we take for granted and expect today, was not as common back then, and it was a whole different world! Listen to this, close your eyes, and imagine.

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